Make sure that you are updated with all the guidelines. Since the guidelines are changing quickly, one must keep track of the daily news. Nothing should go against the Government rules.
Your venue is one vendor you will have to work closely with. Talk to them. Seek suggestions how they can help you in making the day an absolutely memorable day.
Make sure of the safety measures to be taken. Keep your communication very clear with the guests as well as the vendors.
Masks can be the new inclusion in wedding favors. Gift masks and make sure that everyone is wearing it too.
Keep sanitizer at each and every point.
DeeMarks hotel and resorts, one of the best luxury hotels in NH8, is open again and ready to serve gracefully. The venue is taking all possible measures to keep the wedding safe as much as possible. DeeMarks hotel & resorts, a wedding venue in Delhi, offer a spacious lawn enough to properly follow the
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